Update: 09. February 2020
- Deleted Aarklash: Legacy (moved to maybe list)
- Added Darksiders 3 (found on PS4)
- Added Shadow Tactics
- Added Frostpunk
- Added Okami HD
- Added Pathfinder Kingmaker
How to select my next game
In order to find the next game I decided for the following process for my selection. My libraries have been pooled and categorized in the following scheme:
- All games on Steam were categorized as followed:
- Games I really want to play (to-play),
- Games I completed (complete),
- Games I probably will start (maybe),
- Games I will start somewhen/never (somewhen), and
- Games I do not care/ignore (don’t want to play)
- Then I transferred all these games alphabetically into a spreadsheet.
- I also added all other games from GOG, Origin, Uplay, and PSN.
- This resulted in a list of 106 games across all platforms. Keep in mind, these are all games I really would like to play!
- Then I divided this list into quarters, resulting in three columns with 27 and one column with 25 games. You can find my list of games below.
In order to find the – next game – I will play, I will start with the first row and am now comfortably provided with a selection of four games from my to-play category. From these four games I will then simply choose one, as chances are high that some games are selected, which I had forgotten a long time ago.
1st Quarter | 2nd Quarter | 3rd Quarter | 4th Quarter |
Assassin’s Creed | Deus Ex – Human Revolution | The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky | Soul Calibur VI |
Assassin’s Creed II | Deus Ex Mankind Divided | Life is Strange | Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 |
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood | Devil May Cry 5 | Lightning Returns | Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 |
Assassin’s Creed Revelations | Divinity Original Sin | Mass Effect 2 | Steins:Gate |
Assassin’s Creed III | DmC Devil May Cry (4) | Mass Effect 3 | The Surge |
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag | Dragon Age 2 | Mass Effect Andromeda | Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet |
Assassin’s Creed Liberation | Dragon Age 3 | Metal Gear Rising | Sword Art Online Hollow Realization |
Assassin’s Creed Origins | Dragon Quest XI | Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zero | Sword Art Online Lost Song |
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey | The Dwarves | Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Protocol | Tales of Berseria |
Assassin’s Creed Rogue | Earth Defense Force 4.1 | Mirror’s Edge | Tales of Symphonia |
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles China | Edge of Eternity | Neverwinter Nights | Tales of Zestiria |
Baldur’s Gate 1 | Elex | A New Beginning | To the Moon |
Baldur’s Gate 2 | Final Fantasy IV | Nex Machina | Tower of Time |
Bastion | Final Fantasy VI | Okami HD | Transistor |
Bayonetta | Final Fantasy IX | Pathfinder Kingmaker | Trine 2 |
Blackguards | Final Fantasy XIII-2 | Phantom Doctrine | Valkyria Chronicles |
Blackguards 2 | Frostpunk | Pillars of Eternity | Warhammer 40000 Mechanicus |
Blashphemeous | Hitman | Pillars of Eternity 2 | The Witcher 1 |
The Bureau – XCOM Declassified | Hollow Knight | Planescape Torment | The Witcher 2 |
Child of Light | Horizon Zero Dawn | Quantum Break | X-Morph Defense |
Code Vein | Hyperdimensional Neptunia re:Birth | Ruiner | XCOM enemy Unknown |
Crosscode | Icewind Dale 1 | Satellite Reign | Yakuza 0 |
The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav | Ken Follett’s Pillars of the Earth | Seven | Yakuza Kiwami |
Darks Souls | Kingdom Come Deliverance | Shadow of the Tomb Raider | Ys Origin |
Dark Souls 2 | Kingdoms of Amalur | Shadowrun: Dragonfall | Ys The Oath in Felghana |
Dark Souls 3 | Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light | Shadowrun: Hong Kong |
Darksiders 2 | Last of Us | Shadow Tactics |
Darksiders 3 | Legend of Grimrock | Sleeping Dogs |
But of course some considerations still need to be made:
- When a game from a series is chosen, no matter which part, I will always start with the first part of the series.
- When a game is completed, it will be removed from the table and therefor the order within the table will change.
- In order to choose the next game, I consider two variants:
- Always stay in the first row, and complete games within this row only. Games will change anyway with the elimination of the completed game from the list. Only the first row will only change, unless I finally re-start playing Aarklash: Legacy. This gives me some breathing time until the first Assassin’s Creed comes up …
- I will not always start from the first row. I could consider another variable e.g. the current date for the selection of the row (even though I do not have enough rows for each day).
So far, this should be my modus operandi for this year and I will make adjustments as I see fit along the way. But with enjoying Darksiders 1 so much right now, I feel rather confident (and a bit proud!), that this mode will be more helpful in my endeavor – Recapturing my Pile of Shame.